Weight Loss Therapy

Woman Leg Stepping On Scales At Home. Measurement Instrument In Kilogram For Diet Lose Weight Concept

The Weight is Over

At Neighborhood Health, our clinic focuses on health and wellness. Are you struggling to lose weight and need assistance jump starting your weight loss journey? Our weight loss program is finally here!

Our program is centered around your unique and specific weight loss goals. Our approach exceeds the typical experience by providing a medical assisted program focusing on goals and preexisting health conditions.

How it Works in 5 Easy Steps:

  • Consultation
  • Lab Results
  • Candidate
  • Medicine shipped directly to you
  • Weekly self-administered injections

Why Choose Us:

Experienced Team: Our healthcare professionals are dedicated to helping you achieve your weight loss goals safely and effectively.

Comprehensive Approach: We consider all aspects of weight management for a well-rounded approach that ensures long-lasting results.

Lasting Results: We don’t just focus on losing weight; we emphasize the importance of building sustainable lifestyle changes that lead to improved overall health with lasting results.

Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you. Contact Neighborhood Health to schedule your weight loss therapy consultation today. Your journey to a better you starts here.

Book A Consultation

***Not all patients may qualify if not medically indicated.